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17 October 2019


Dear Client,

your annual fee and mutual fund rebate statements for 2018

The European MiFID II Directive (“Markets in Financial Instruments Directive”) which came into effect in January 2018 requires financial institutions to provide you with aggregated information about the costs and charges in relation to the financial instruments or ancillary services which were provided to you in a calendar year. In addition, we are also required to inform you about the inducements received by the Bank in relation to services provided to you in a calendar year.

To that extent, we have put together a pack for you which contains the following documents:

  1. Your Annual Fee Statement
    A breakdown of the fees and commissions that you paid us in 2018 for your investment portfolio (containing both transactions, safekeeping and any related charges), broken down per fee category for your ease of reference.

    Please refer to the Notes and Clarifications on your Annual Fee Statement overleaf.

  2. Your Mutual Fund Rebate Statement (if applicable*)
    *Only applicable to Clients who were invested in mutual funds in 2018

    A breakdown of the income that we received from third party fund providers from your mutual fund investments in 2018. Kindly note that the mutual fund rebates are calculated only for the period that you remain invested in the funds.

    Please refer to the Notes and Clarifications on your Mutual Fund Rebate Statement at the end of the pack.

For further information on the Alpha Bank London fees relating to your investments please refer to our Investment Tariff.

If you have any questions or wish to obtain more information, please speak to your Relationship Manager.


Yours sincerely,


Bernard Carantinos
Manager, Customer Experience, Projects & Marketing