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19th December 2022

Dear Customer,

I am writing to inform you that as part of the UK Government’s commitment to reach net zero by 2050, a parliamentary bill is under review which proposes that all residential rented properties with new tenancies have a minimum Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of “C” from the 31st December 2025, while for existing tenancies this will take effect on the 31st December 2028.

Whilst the parliamentary bill has yet to be passed into law, it is important that we make you aware of potential changes in legislation that may affect you.

What does this mean for you?
If you are unsure of the EPC rating of your property you can check the following government website: Find an energy certificate – GOV.UK (

If your property does not meet the minimum “C” criteria, as the deadline approaches, we may contact you to understand your plans to improve/transition your property in order to meet the new requirements.

I remind you that as part of your loan agreement with us, any property charged to the bank must comply with the latest UK legislation.

If you have any questions or feedback, please do not hesitate to contact your relationship manager or me on 0207 332 9228. 


Kind regards,

Joseph Neophitou

General Manager